Phoenix Gaming

Nordic's Largest Rust Community


Active Server Staff

Quick response on Support ticket and in-game help. Danish, English, Norwegian and Swedish

Server Uptime

Server Uptime 99.9%

Auto Restart every night at 5:30 CEST

Client Security Scan

We are using an E-sport SS-Scanning tool to catch hidden cheaters. Read more about it in our Discord Server

Server Security

Server Armour (Anti-Cheat)

ADR Arkan + Arkan Anti-Cheat

ESP Detection Auto record

Automatic recording if server rules are broken

F7 cheat report to recording


Discord Server log


Lot of expensive skins

Bypass Queue

QuickSort & BoxSorterLite

VIP Chat & Rank

Sign Artist

Station - Portable Boom Box custom mp3 urls

See more under Store

Wipe Cycle

2x Weekly Server

Map Wipe every Tuesday at 16:00 CEST

BP Wipe every fourteen days at 16:00 CEST

10x Weekly Server

Map Wipe every Tuesday at 16:00 CEST

2x RP PvE Monthly

Map Wipe monthly at 20:00 CEST. BP Wipe every 2 months: Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec.


We have friendly coaches who can help you learn the game

Server Speed

To ensure top-notch performance, we have used high-quality components to host our server and established a strong 1 Gbit fiber connection, resulting in minimal latency.

Our servers

Join our community on

Community team

SunShine ツ

👑Founder👑 | Phoenix Gaming - EU/DK 2x


🔥 Team Phoenix 🔥


⭐Minecraft CO-Admin⭐


✨Head of Staff✨ | Phoenix Gaming - EU/DK PvE RP


✉ Junior Supporter ✉ | Phoenix Gaming - EU/DK 2x


⭐Minecraft CO-Admin⭐